A new way to manage timesheets

WTSOne is a development project that allows operators to manage their timesheets in multiple ways; the user can send, synchronize and distribute messages of information across all the operating systems of the organization. This results is a network of information that is available anywhere, anytime.

Intuitive User Experience

Instant data synchronization

Multi-device compatibility

A successful Proof Of Concept

WTSOne is a proof of concept that will be presented in the Innovation Program at the SAP SMB Innovation Summits 2020. This development has successfully proved the capabilities of the YouSolution Cloud Platform, and shows how it can synchronize different systems without any effort.

Integrated with Telegram

By using Telegram app, the user can tell WTSOne to keep track on his/her activities. This is just like texting a personal assistant, where no specific technical knowledge is needed.

With great voice controls

The WTSOne application on Android shows an overview of the user’s activities and supports voice control, which means that new activities can be synchronized to SAP Business One simply by using natural language.


Look at the demo

Our demo shows how great the YouSolution Cloud Platform is. It allows endless possibilities of synchronizing data among systems, and WTSOne is one of those!

Would you like to know more about the YouSolution Cloud platform at the upcoming summits?