YouSolution.cloud Application Scenario: Multi-company Integration
The YouSolution Integration Hub Platform integrates decoupled systems by synchronizing data on the cloud. The platform enables seamless integration of all kinds of applications through internet access. Therefore, data from different departments, companies, suppliers, customers, and all kinds of stakeholders can easily be synchronized and connected. In other words, the possibilities are endless.
To get a deeper understanding of how YouSolution.cloud can be used in practice, we will present some realistic scenarios of how the platform can be used based on its different applications. These scenarios do not represent any specific company or project. However, they highlight the fact that we collaborate with partners worldwide who have customers in various sectors.
Synchronization of Data between Multiple Companies
YouSolution.cloud is an agnostic Integration Hub Platform that enables automatic synchronization of master data and documents between multiple companies even if they would not share the same system. Hence, this application is useful if a company has subcontractors, suppliers, subsidiaries, sister companies etc. that they need to exchange and share data and documents with.
To describe this application in practical terms, we will take you through an imaginary scenario where you can follow the data flows within a corporate group consisting of multiple companies operating as a software house. To make the explanation as simple as possible, the data flows in this scenario will only occur between the software house’s parent company and one of its subsidiaries. However, this type of integration would also be possible if the company would need to synchronize data simultaneously with more than one of its subsidiaries.
The Software House
Let us imagine that the software house in this scenario is a corporate group specialized in customized mobile apps for start-ups in North America. The group is highly customer oriented which means that they do not only develop apps, but also offer implementation, service, and consultancy to their clients.
Since the software house targets start-ups in North America, the parent company could for example be located in the US. From here, they manage all customer contact and marketing activities. However, the parent company does not work with any kind of development of the apps themselves. Instead, they have a subsidiary in another country that is fully committed to creating the software that the customers of the parent company are asking for. For the hours spent on development of the apps, the subsidiary is invoicing the parent company for each project. Further, the two companies have two separate ERP systems.
The Flows of the Software House
To enable synchronization of documents between the parent company and subsidiary, the master data of these two companies must first be defined. The master data can easily be synchronized and automatically updated between the two companies thanks to the YouSolution Integration Hub Platform.
When the master data are defined, the group can also start to synchronize documents. Therefore, let us imagine that a customer contacts the parent company to request development and implementation of a mobile app for their start-up. After discussing all necessary details about the requested app, the parent company makes a Purchase Order in their ERP system to the subsidiary to create the app. This Purchase Order is automatically transformed into a Sales Order to the subsidiary’s ERP system via the YouSolution Integration Hub Platform.
The subsidiary receives the Sales Order and starts to develop the app. When the development of the app is finished, the subsidiary delivers the app to the parent company. This operation gets registered in the subsidiary’s ERP system as a Delivery, and at the same time, YouSolution.cloud automatically transforms this Delivery document into a Goods Receipt PO in the parent company’s ERP system.
When the parent company has received the app, it is time for the subsidiary to create the Sales Invoice for the hours spent on the development of the app. Just as with the other documents, YouSolution.cloud synchronizes and transforms this Sales Invoice into a Purchase Invoice in the parent company’s ERP system. Now, the data of all the necessary documents are synchronized and the parent company can deliver the app to the client.

Which Features Make the Multi-company Integration of YouSolution.cloud Unique?
Agnostic Platform
YouSolution.cloud is an agnostic platform that enables seamless integration of all kinds of systems between multiple companies through one single solution. Further, there are no restrictions of how many systems that can be integrated simultaneously. As a result, the platform offers endless possibilities for companies to synchronize data and documents with other stakeholders no matter how many they are or which systems they use.
Scalable Price Model
Whenever a group of companies needs to scale up or down, it usually leads to changes in data volume that need to be synchronized. For example in this scenario, this could happen if the software house suddenly would need to close down one of its subsidiaries. In that case, it would be beneficial to have a price model that would adjust accordingly to meet the new integration needs. YouSolution.cloud makes this type of flexible price model possible since the platform is located on the cloud which enables a price based on data volume synchronized without any licenses and/or software maintenance costs.
Clean Systems
When data are synchronized between multiple companies via YouSolution.cloud, there is no need to change the structure of the systems involved in the integration projects. This is because the synchronization is fully centralized within the YouSolution Integration Hub Platform. Thus, companies can keep their systems “clean” which especially is convenient when various systems need to be integrated as in the case of multi-company integration. As a result, this makes the integration projects smooth and easy to manage.
We hope that you now have learned more about how to take advantage of multi-company integration with YouSolution.cloud, and how this application can be useful in practice. In the next blog post, we will take you through another application scenario with the YouSolution Integration Hub Platform. See you then!