The Cloud is the New Norm, what about Security?
In recent years, the cloud has completely revolutionized the IT and business environment. Even in our private day-to-day life, the cloud has come to play a major role. Thanks to the cloud, we are now able to access, manage and store information, applications, and media whenever and wherever we are. Simply put: The cloud has made our lives easier. Still, misunderstandings and misconceptions concerning the cloud continue to remain, even to the extent that they stop some businesses from adopting it. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at cloud security and explain how YouSolution applies it.
So, how is the relation between the Cloud and Security?
Cloud Computing is becoming the new norm in today’s digitalized world. It has allowed us to do business in a faster and more scalable way with less costs and more efficiency, and there’s no doubt that the benefits of using the cloud are many. According to surveys made by Gartner, more than a third of organizations see cloud investments as a top three investing priority.
Yet, some businesses are reluctant to embrace it, often because they believe it’s not a secure solution. Kasey Panetta, Senior Content Marketing Manager at Gartner, writes in her article that we need to switch this focus, and instead of asking ourselves “Is the cloud secure?”, ask ourselves “Am I using the cloud securely?”. She means that the challenge exists not in the security of the cloud itself, but rather in the policies and technologies for security and control.

How does YouSolution work with Cloud Security?
YouSolution highly values cloud security and the protection of our consumers’ data. Because of this, our cloud platform is based on one of the global leaders of cloud computing: Amazon Web Services. This is something we proudly share with some other big players on the market, like Netflix and Nasa for example. Unlike a company that choose to host its own data, Amazon Web Services has several data centers across the globe which are continuously monitored and strictly maintained. This diversification of data centers ensures that no data will be permanently lost. Additionally, due to Amazon’s huge size and experience in cloud services, outages and potential attacks can quickly be identified and avoided.
Moreover, all data flowing through the YouSolution Integration Hub Platform is encrypted which further protects the data and makes the cloud more secure.
In conclusion, the cloud should not strictly be regarded as a less secure alternative to host and manage data compared to on-premise solutions. If you choose a trustable cloud provider, you will be able to operate with maximum scalability and with less costs, without sacrificing protection. Misunderstandings and misconceptions should not stop companies from doing this. In fact, Jay Heiser Vice President Analyst at Gartner, means that exaggerated fear of cloud computing can result in lost opportunity and inappropriate spending.
Cloud computing is a powerful innovation that’s becoming the New Norm, and YouSolution is proud to be a part of it without sacrificing security.
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